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Rappi during the COVID-19 pandemic: Usability Test Report

Sperientia [studio + lab] ®

April 17, 2020


How have you adapted  Rappi  to the dynamics imposed by COVID-19? What can we learn from a UX / usability test of the Rappi App in the context of its effort to tackle COVID-19? What should retail and other businesses learn from these adaptive practices? Some answers in our report.

Rappi during the COVID-19 pandemic: Usability Test Report

The report is the result of a usability test with emphasis on analyzing the communication of the Rappi mobile application on factors derived from the situation of the COVID 19 pandemic. Important findings could be observed around the lack of communication of the measures and methods implemented regarding the pandemic within the process of selection and purchase of products of the Rappi application.


© ️ 2020 Sperientia: [Studio + Lab] ®. All rights reserved.

Rappi during the COVID-19 pandemic Usability Test Report



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